common return การใช้
- Common return electrode locations include lateral portions of the outer thighs, abdomen, back, or shoulder blades.
- OTTAWA-- House of Commons returns from Easter break.
- In practice, this seldom happens exactly, so there is often but not always a small neutral or common return wire as well.
- The new battle of the bulge is likely to escalate when the House of Commons returns from its summer recess in September.
- We will insist he makes a statement when the House of Commons returns, " said opposition Conservative Party finance spokesman Peter Lilley.
- This was achieved through the provision of a sixth wire for common return making it possible to move just a single needle.
- Many more codes are theoretically possible with common return signalling, but not all of them can conveniently be used with a grid indication display.
- Multiple circuits having a common return may be tested simultaneously, provided the minimum allowable resistance value is based on the number of circuits in parallel.
- The signal ground is a common return for the other connections; it appears on two pins in the Yost standard but is the same signal.
- Opposition politicians said today, though, that they'll demand a statement on the government's intentions regarding the single currency when the House of Commons returns from its recess on Oct . 27.
- They will use forms ranging from the short 1040A _ the most common return _ to the mind-bending 8697, " Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Completed Long-Term Contracts .'
- In electrical engineering, "'ground "'or "'earth "'is the reference point in an electrical circuit from which voltages are measured, a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the Earth.
- Fur was an early export to European markets and later exports included lumber, pulpwood, and pit props for Boston, MA, with these commodities being shipped by schooner, with rum and molasses being common return cargoes.
- Opposition legislators are pressing Chancellor Brown for an early statement on the government's official position, and certainly for a statement when the House of Commons returns to Westminster on Oct . 27 after its summer recess.
- In this scenario the patient has inadvertently contacted both a source of current ( it does not have to be AC, as shown ) as well as a common return pathway during an invasive cardiac medical procedure.
- Two additional buttons were provided on the telegraph sets to enable the common return to be connected to either the positive or negative terminal of the battery according to the direction it was desired to move the needle.
- The signals are named from the standpoint of the DTE . The ground pin is a common return for the other connections, and establishes the " zero " voltage to which voltages on the other pins are referenced.
- This is usually a large conductor attached to one side of the power supply ( such as the " ground plane " on a printed circuit board ) which serves as the common return path for current from many different components in the circuit.
- However, the returns of film are heavily skewed, such that the expected return ( in statistical terms, the " mean " ) is higher than the most common return ( the " mode " ) . 80 % of the time, the film will return less than the expected return.